Monday, October 19, 2009


Dutch Apple Pie

We've still got loads of apples in our apartment so I decided to embark on my first ever apple pie.  I was given some good advice by my friend Susy that store bought  crust is easier in such small Manhattan kitchens and tastes just fine.  So really, the pie was quite simple.  I prefer the crumbly top of a dutch apple pie (probably cause i looooove sugar-ask me about my song) so I found a recipe online.  Really so simple!  My only note was that I used all different types of apples instead of just one and thus they all cooked at different times and some were still a little firm.  But guess what, the pie still tastes GOOD!


Thursday, October 15, 2009


Apple Cranberry Crisp

We went apple picking in upstate New York this weekend and now have a surplus of apples in our kitchen.  Even if I eat an apple a day, there will still be plenty.

Last night I baked a yummy apple cranberry crisp with a granola-like topping.  I got the recipe from another blogger that writes for her blog Smitten Kitchen (thanks for the tip Lydia!).  The scent of the crisp baking in my oven was really unbelievable.  The blogger recommends serving this cold with yogurt and I tried it for breakfast this morning.  It was really tasty!

What apple treat will I make next?